Friday, 8 February 2013

Happy Friday Y'all

Ha - I'm not southern in the least. And I never say y'all. I just think it sounds kick ass when  someone is wishin' you a happy friday. Kinda like it was this girl:

- Ok never mind  I was going to leave you a Jessica-Simpson-esque image, but if you google "Nice Southern Girl" you just get a bunch of naked girls in cowboy hats. Ma bad.

So today I'm leaving for a girl's trip to Portland! Hell yes!

I have never been there, but I am expecting that I already love Portland. It's like this beautiful little place where hippies rule the world, and the food is excellent, and the arts&culture scene is alive and thriving. Basically, it's like San Francisco without all of the insane housing prices. I love it already.

I'm imagining it will be exactly like what they show on the TV:

And since it's a girls trip, it's going to be full of a ton of awesome shenanigans.

Like this:

We're in Pooortland We're in Pooortland

And maybe some of this:

Lots of this:

And of course there will be this:

Only to be followed by this:

Hopefully not too much, but most likely this will happen:

Suffice it to say that I'm stoked out of my mind and it's going to be a crazy fun weekend.  So as you're finishing out your Friday, I'm wishing you a work day that's light, a lunch hour that's suuuuuuuuper long (and maybe involves a cocktail), an early irish-exit (say around 3pm?), and a weekend that starts with you saying something along these lines:

Ok, see you Monday.

Love and fairies,


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