Wednesday, 6 February 2013


Yesterday I stumbled across a blog from a gal that I went to high school with. We were somewhat close then, and now we remain connected through typical online social means (AKA, we mutually stalk each other. Or at least I stalk her. Hopefully she stalks me back. That way I don't totally feel like a creeper). I realize in writing this that actually know very little about her real life.

But then something magical happened. She wrote a post. She went to Facebook. She wrote: "Hey, new blog. Loveyoumeanit." And I read it.

And then I drooled envy all over my keyboard. For hour.

She will admit, she is not an awesome photographer, and sometimes not even a very good blogger. Her template is simple, her content is varied, and her images are good-not-always-great. But there there was something so so so excellent about her blog. She writes in it. 

Mind. Blown.

Pouring over her pages felt like a total kick in the ass. She didn't wait until she got the column formatting issue cleared up with the template designers, or spend one-hundredy-billion hours picking just the right combinations of fonts and color pallets...she sat down and wrote every single day.

Sometimes being a marketer/designer/lover-of-perfect-things has major downsides, such as letting your projects die before they are ever born. I have been in the weeds of creating a blog for over a year, finding this really awesome template (really, it's pretty), and then the template broke and I tried emailing support to see if they could help me, and some girl named "The Web Princess" sent me like four pages of technical math problems - and those are really bad for my self-esteem.

My Interweb-Genius husband tried to help me, but it got complicated and I feel bad asking him to be my personal technical assistant, because normally he's attending or speaking in conferences about keeping the molten core of the Internet spinning so we don't all die.

I tried to do it myself. And then I saw something shinny. And then I blinked and nine months had gone by. Meanwhile my high school friend is practically getting a book contract from a publisher.

I have learned a lesson from stalking my high school friend. And for that I say thank you. Thanks for reminder that we don't always get the magazine-life that we think we need. Sometimes all you need an ugly-ass template from 1990 and bad font that no matter how you try to hack the HTML they just don't want to be designered and the letters keep yelling at you, "Nooooo...we like being comic sans!"

Oh, also some spell check. I totally NEED spell check.  I am warning you RIGHT NOW, that if you are going to be a reader of this blog, get used to some spelling problems. I'm not good at it. I didn't know the difference between lose and loose until like a year ago. I just spell checked "designered" to make sure I spelled it right...and then remembered I made that word up.

But really, I am trying. Promise. So don't judge me.

Let's not lose sight of the important fact here: I AM BLOGGING AGAIN. If this is the post you have been waiting to read for a long time, or if you think this is the best news you've heard all week, feel free break out into celebration. I mean it is 2 o'clock in the afternoon, but it's never to early for some sparkles.

Please Drink Responsibly,


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